Atong Lake

Sultan Peak

The Enchanted Atong Lake: Narra, Palawan, Philippines

If you have been hiking in Palawan for some time now, you’ve probably heard of Atong Lake. Enchanted and mysterious, this lake is perched in the middle of the lush forest of Narra, Palawan as part of the Beaufort Mountains Ultramafics Geological Region. Local stories might have kept hikers from braving this beauty, but last weekend, once again, we made the adventure possible. Read on for details.

The 6/9 difficulty level hike to this lake also known as Atabay located 676 MaSL east of Sultan Peak started in Sitio Mariwara, Brgy. Princess Urduja, Narra, Palawan. Our team of 18, together with the local guides, threaded through Batang-Batang to the Shuba/Syuba River.

Slippery rocks dot the stream where the water rushes to the plains, sometimes calm but oftentimes raging. The slow hike upstream greeted us with waterfalls, plunge pools, and channels of enthralling clear green and blue hues reflecting either the trees framing it or the sky above.

Rivers often lead us to a quick forest trek where pitcher plants, Begonia sp., and other unique floras reside.

After 6 hours and approximately 30 river crossings, our team began our hike up to the location where we passed by the endemic Palawan horned frog (Megophrys ligayae). An hour of continuous assault and several minutes of descent brought us to the enchanted Atong Lake – a two-three hectares lake trapped in the shoulder of the mountain, fenced by rich vegetation creating a dramatic mirror image in the waters and probably the only still freshwater in Palawan located in this elevation.

The best thing about this remote camping experience was we got to spend two nights and an entire day in our tents and hammocks with the view of the lake shared with friends and new acquaintances relaxing over morning coffee, preparing hearty meals, sharing healthy banters, listening to local stories and getting drunk under the endless vision of stars.

The jump-off to the Atong Lake can be reached via a private van approximately two hours from Puerto Princesa City. If you want to hike this mysterious lake, make sure to coordinate with the Tourism Office of the Local Government Unit of Narra for an easier and safer climb.

Rattans and leeches dot the path and the rocks and the trail are slippery – it is advisable for you to wear appropriate hiking clothes and shoes and bring lightweight waterproofed gear.

Lastly, respect local beliefs and adhere to the principles of Leave no Trace all the time – leave nothing, take nothing, disturb nothing, and change nothing. Happy responsible trails!

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