PANAM Cliper
Seaplanes are the airplanes capable of landing and taking off from or on water bodies. Here are seaplanes which can land and takeoff on land as well as water, these types of sea planes are called amphibious aircrafts. Seaplanes and Amphibious aircrafts are further categorized into floatplanes and flying boats which we will see later […]
Qantas Empire Airways
Flying boats or aircraft that took off and landed on the water were the mainstays of international aviation transport for many years – but then one day, they vanished and were no longer popular. Why did aviation switch to land-based aircraft? Let’s explore this forgotten slice of history. Why flying boats are fantastic Airports are […]
Seaplane taking off on the ocean
Seaplane or Floatplane? First, a quick bit of terminology. The terms floatplane and seaplane are often used interchangeably, but there is a difference between them. A floatplane lands on floats or pontoons attached to the aircraft fuselage without the fuselage making contact with the water. A seaplane, or flying boat, lands using its fuselage. Seaplanes […]
The Founder in Lombok, Indonesia 2001/02
Float plane vs. seaplane: What’s the difference? In some parts of the world, the words float plane and seaplane are interchangeable. However, the two have different meanings in technical terminology. A float plane and a seaplane can both take off and land on almost any body of water (oceans, lakes, rivers, etc.). However, a float […]
Lominangcong Taytay Palawan Philippines
Since its inception to the world of air travel more than 100 years ago, the seaplane has seen its fair share of action. The flying boats of the past were useful assets to the military during World War I, and after the war seaplane pilots found commercial success by flying people and goods to places […]
Flower Island in Shark Fin Bay, Taytay: Is a One-of-a-Kind Experience. If you’re looking for a one-of-a-kind adventure, flying by seaplane to Flower Island in Shark Fin Bay, Taytay is what you are looking for. In addition to the beautiful scenery, guests will also have the opportunity to visit the site of an incredible pearl […]
Horizon Sun Charters’ seaplane is a luxurious and convenient way to explore the beautiful islands and coastal areas of the Philippines, especially in areas where land-based transportation is limited. With destinations including Palawan, Balabac, El Nido, Coron, Busuanga, Linapacan, Port Barton/San Vicente, Cullion and Taytay, seaplane charters offer an unparalleled opportunity to experience the island’s […]